Dare and Currituck Counties from Carova to Ocracoke, Edenton to Elizabeth City+
Clients first. Specializing in the construction methods and homes of coastal North Carolina.

Components, systems inspected
Inspections performed
Types of inspections
You can have a maintenance inspection performed anytime. Here are three other reasons for a home inspection:
Expertise, and a client-first mindset
My reputation precedes me as being detail-oriented and very knowledgeable. I am available 7 days a week for anyone to call, text, or email with questions or concerns. Inspection findings are discussed and explained in a manner tailored to the client's level of familiarity with homes, construction methods, and materials.
Company values
A reputation based on trust, integrity and a genuine desire to provide the best inspection service possible.
Clients become neighbors and part of our community. Many clients become repeat clients. A home inspector's job is not finished once the report has been delivered. It goes beyond that. Hawk Home Inspections is driven to be helpful and valuable.
Always thinking ahead. We store data as part of our plan to be a source of information in the future. When clients call after 6 months, 1 year, or even further down the road we've taken steps to be as helpful as possible.

What happens in there?
It's dark, damp, and bugs love it. Where deal breakers are often found.

Don't let this blind-side your deal.
It's in a lot of homes in our area. What is it? Why do you need to know about it?

Nothing can stop me, I'm on the way up...
...to the top of your roof. One of the most important components of your home's envelope.
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